Known issues

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Known issues

Express Checkout Buttons

Express checkout on product page

Payment option buttons cannot catch up with the dynamic custom options. As a result, the customer input, customization, and fee updates may not work with express checkout on product page.
This feature is only available in CatFolders Pro version, make sure you are using the Pro plan. See details and learn more about Free vs Pro here.

It will work if it navigates to Shopify standard checkout.

Express checkout on cart page

Basically, EXPO options work well for standard Shopify checkout. If the theme inserts extra buttons or other options on cart page, the app may not be compatible.

We suggest removing these buttons on cart page, as there are standard Shopify payment gateway options on the checkout page already. Hiding these buttons from cart page will not cause any negative impacts to the shopping experience.

Payment buttons on checkout page

Express checkout payment methods should work well on checkout page, where all the customer input, customization and fees are already recorded.

When express checkout works

EXPO ‑ Extra Product Options app work with Shopify’s standard checkout.

Accordingly, if the payment button is redirected to checkout page, all the extra cost and fees will be counted properly.

When express checkout does not work

If the PayPal button is not navigating to the checkout page but opening the PayPal Checkout pop-up, then the extra cost and fees may not be counted.

Since this is third-party compatibility, our app alone cannot make the integration. So both of us should work towards a viable solution. If possible, please adjust your express checkout settings so that it will redirect to Shopify checkout page.

Hidden elements on mobile

Some themes may not show checkboxes or radio buttons on mobile devices because the theme’s template doesn’t support those extra elements. Here are some cases:

  • Simple by Shopify: Extra product options still show on this theme, but there will be neither checkbox styles nor effects for being checked/unchecked on mobile.

In these theme issue cases, please contact theme developers for support.

Otherwise, you can always switch to another premium theme that comes with full support for extra fields and elements.

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