How to uninstall EXPO app
Uninstalling EXPO takes 2 simple steps: Deactivate and Delete app. This will remove all of your options and app scripts from your store.
If you wish to just clear the extra options, you don’t need to delete the app. We suggest deactivating option sets.
Good to know:
Deactivating all option sets will stop the app from initializing.
How to not show an option set
You can stop showing options by unassigning products.
Navigate to your option set and untick all products affected by the set. When you see the Products count as zero, you finish unassigning them.
Then you can click on View product page to make sure the options are successfully disabled.
How to disable options
To prevent the app from running on the store front, you can disable the option sets. Simply click on the three dot icon at the top right corner and choose Deactivate option set to disable it.
When all option sets are deactivated, you have successfully disabled EXPO app.
How to manually remove app code
To completely remove the app code, you can manually delete these code.
1. Assets/expo-init.js
2. Layout/theme.liquid: this one line
- Open theme.liquid
- Search for “expo” or navigate to this line
<script src="{{ 'expo-init.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
- Delete that script line and click Save
Now you have successfully removed the app code from the theme.